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Protect Your Computer For Free in 2023

I am frequently asked what is the best way to protect computers from malware and viruses. Protecting your computer from malware and viruses is crucial in today’s digital age. No antivirus software that can guarantee 100% protection against all viruses and threats. Despite this, there are several reliable solutions available. Whether you choose to pay for protection or not is up to you, but there are several good options available at no cost if you look for them.

Windows Defender

One such popular free option is Microsoft Windows Defender, which comes pre-installed on all Windows 10 and 11 devices. It offers real-time protection against viruses, malware, and spyware and regularly updates its database to detect new threats. Windows Defender also provides a firewall to block unauthorized access to your computer. On top of all of that, Windows Defender remains one of the highest rated antivirus programs on the market.

Settings for Microsoft Windows Defender in Windows 10

Third-Party Software

Other reliable free antivirus solutions include Avast Free Antivirus, AVG AntiVirus Free, and Avira Free Antivirus. These programs offer similar features to Windows Defender and are easy to install and use. It’s important to note that some third-party antivirus programs may cause compatibility issues with Windows 10. I have had countless issues with Spybot Search and Destroy and Malwarebytes breaking things in Windows versions greater than 7. Remember that time CCleaner was compromised and started pushing out Russian malware? This is why it’s best to stick with reputable antivirus software that is known to work well with your operating system.

Ultimately, the best way to protect your computer is to practice safe web browsing habits and avoid downloading files from untrusted sources. With the right antivirus solution and responsible internet usage, you can prevent most problems that arise from malware and viruses.

Accordingly, if you’re looking for professional computer support to ensure that your device is protected from malware and viruses, don’t hesitate to contact Alaska Computer Guy! We can provide you with the necessary guidance to choose the best antivirus solution for your home or business needs and ensure that all your computers are secure. At last, you can have peace of mind knowing that your devices are protected against potential threats.

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